Les Montagnards, Sala Comune

Les Montagnards used as information and training center

The mountain hut has a hall, which, according to the needs, can be a cozy parlor with fireplace for our customers or a conference hall or a home theatre. By moving the furniture around, we can host in it from 40 to 60 people. Furthermore, being WI-fi, projector and stereo system available, any kind of program is possible.

convegno 2

On September 12 last, we hosted the ECM licensed “Dino Carelli” mountain medicine second edition. Organized by the CAI L.P.V. and by Ciriè, Chivasso and Ivrea A.S.L. TO4, it was an update course for general medicine doctors, emergency doctors and nurses and for CNSAS doctors and volunteers.


mellanoThe morning topic was “Heart in the mountains”. Hypertension, coronary risks mountain physical activity benefits and, finally, Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation techniques were discussed and illustrated. “Mountain Legislation” was the second topic analyzing the rescuers’ liabilities and penal responsibility and C.A.I. insurance contract.


After lunch and a short visit to the Acque Minerali Pian della Mussa plant, the forum subject was mountain rescue. A 2014 activity report and the various statistics analysis were presented. The day ended with a technical healthcare rescue simulation on a rock wall organized by Balme SASP division staff. This was the starting point to describe how a call to 118 for a mountain emergency works, from the telephone call to the patient’s admission to hospital, either by helicopter or by ambulance. It also was the opportunity to notify that SASP divisions are equipping with semiautomatic defribillators (DAE). This equipment allows to duly trained and licensed personnel to do, in case of arrhythmia and/or cardiac arrest, a first resuscitation intervention by electric heart stimulation until ambulance/helicopter arrival. As the medical statistics show, with this system a prompt intervention is possible, increasing patient’s survival even in locations far away from hospitals such as mountain villages.

articolo convegno medicoIt was an interesting and appreciated by the enrolled people experience. It is now our intention to continue in this direction as well. Taking advantage of our 35 years experience, we would like to become a high quality mountain information and training center. In the past, we already organized mountain film reviews in cooperation with Museo Nazionale della Montagna, themed events about snow-clad mountain problems and conferences on books. Summer camps, as well, have proved that it is now possible to let the younger ones learn about the mountain. It would be desirable to start a program in cooperation with the schools, such the ones already part of scholastic activities in other nations. Applied hikes could be organized in cooperation with the professional mountain guides and naturalistic hiking guides we collaborate with.
More initiatives coming!!!